Snakebunk – Animalia – Aves
This order contains birds that are highly adapted for an aquatic existence at the water surface. All are web-footed for efficient swimming.
- Branta, black geese
- Anser, grey geese
- Cygnus, swans
- Alopochen, Egyptian Goose
- Tadorna, shelducks
- Aix, Mandarin Duck
- Spatula, Garganey and shovelers
- Mareca, Gadwall and widgeons
- Anas, dabbling ducks
- Aythya, diving ducks
- Polysticta, Steller's Eider
- Somateria, eiders
- Histrionicus, Harlequin Duck
- Melanitta, scoters
- Clangula, long-tailed ducks
- Bucephala, goldeneyes
- Mergellus, smews
- Mergus, mergansers