Snakebunk – Animalia – Aves
This is a giant order with about 5400 bird species, sometimes referred to as songbirds.
- Oriolidae, orioles
- Laniidae, shrikes
- Corvidae, ravens and crows
- Bombycillidae, waxwings
- Paridae, tits
- Remizidae, penduline tits
- Panuridae, bearded reedlings
- Alaudidae, larks
- Hirundinidae, swallows
- Aegithalidae, long-tailed tits
- Phylloscopidae, small insectivors formerly placed in the warbler family
- Acrocephalidae, warblers
- Locustellidae, grass warblers
- Sylviidae, accomplished singers
- Regulidae, kinglets
- Troglodytidae, means "cave-dweller", mainly small and inconspicuous, except for their loud and often complex songs
- Sittidae, characterised by large heads, short tails, and powerful bills and feet
- Tichodromidae, wallcreeper
- Certhiidae, treecreepers
- Sturnidae, starlings
- Turdidae, small to medium size insectivors
- Muscicapidae, flycatchers
- Cinclidae, are unique among passerines for their ability to dive and swim underwater
- Passeridae, sparrows
- Prunellidae, completely endemic to the Palearctic
- Motacillidae, slender birds that feed from the ground
- Fringillidae, finches
- Calcariidae, longspurs and snow buntings
- Emberizidae, buntings
- Icteridae, oropendolas, orioles, blackbirds / trupialer